This baked sweet potato casserole topped with a delicious pecan topping is so good and creamy - my family begs me to make it every Thanksgiving and Christmas!...
This is a simple recipe for sweet potato casserole. But it is also the best I have tasted, enriched with eggs, milk, and rum, and topped with a crunchy...
This baked sweet potato casserole topped with a delicious pecan topping is so good and creamy - my family begs me to make it every Thanksgiving and Christmas!...
Once you taste this, you won't ever go back to the marshmallow-topped variety! I have peeled and cooked in the microwave, and also boiled the sweet potatoes....
Once you taste this, you won't ever go back to the marshmallow-topped variety! I have peeled and cooked in the microwave, and also boiled the sweet potatoes....
Once you taste this, you won't ever go back to the marshmallow-topped variety! I have peeled and cooked in the microwave, and also boiled the sweet potatoes....
This is a great casserole--not too sweet. I've adapted it from several other recipes. I usually double this for Thanksgiving. To make lighter version replace...
This recipes uses the dark orange colored sweet potatoes that are often sold in grocery stores under the name of yams. This is different spin on the usually...
The best sweet potato casserole ever! This recipe was handed down to me by my mother-in-law. I get so many compliments on this dish and so many requests...
The best sweet potato casserole ever! This recipe was handed down to me by my mother-in-law. I get so many compliments on this dish and so many requests...